Let there be light, in Teams, Gateshead!

In a previous newsletter we covered a North East bus user who had been reporting broken bus shelter lights in Teams, Gateshead, for several years but to no avail.
During the hours of darkness the bus shelters were uninviting and it was difficult to read the timetables.
Overgrown and low hanging tree branches were also obstructing sight lines and access to the bus stops.

NEPTUG believes it is important that bus passengers have safe, well-lit and accessible bus stops, otherwise people will be discouraged from using public transport, especially those who may be more vulnerable.
We raised the issues with Local Authority officers, and are pleased to report that overgrown tree branches have since been cut back, and that some of the bus shelters are now lit, making for a nicer environment for passengers and pedestrians.

We have been informed however, that other shelters have corroded electrical boxes and may require new electrical feeds installed by Northern Powergrid, and so remain unlit in the meantime.
We will continue to chase the remaining work on behalf of local bus users.

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